Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water. The whole plant is used to make nutritional supplements and medicine.

Most of the chlorella that is available in the U.S. is grown in Japan or Taiwan. It is processed and made into tablets and liquid extracts. These extracts contain "chlorella growth factor," which is described as a water-soluble extract of chlorella containing chemicals including amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, sugars, and nucleic acids.

Be aware that chlorella products can vary significantly depending on the way “the crop” used to make them was cultivated, harvested, and processed. Investigators have found that dried preparation of chlorella can contain from 7% to 88% protein, 6% to 38% carbohydrate, and 7% to 75% fat.

As a medicine, chlorella is used for preventing cancer, reducing radiation treatment side effects, stimulating the immune system, improving response to flu vaccine, increasing white blood cell counts (especially in people with HIV infection or cancer), preventing colds, protecting the body against toxic metals such as lead and mercury, and slowing the aging process.

Chlorella is also used to increase “good” bacteria in the intestine in order to improve digestion; and to help treat ulcers, colitis, Crohn's disease, and diverticulosis.

Some people also use chlorella for the prevention of stress-related ulcers; treatment of constipation, bad breath, and hypertension; as an antioxidant; to reduce cholesterol; to increase energy; to detoxify the body; and as a source of magnesium to promote mental health, relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and reduce asthma attacks. It is also used for fibromyalgia.

Chlorella is applied to the skin for treating skin ulcers, rashes caused by radiation treatment, and a sexually transmitted disease called trichomoniasis.

What is Chlorella ?
Chlorella is a single-celled algae originally produced as a source of protein for populations that could not afford animal protein foods. Yet chlorella offers more than protein. Miraculous stories have surfaced of people getting noticeable improvement in health and well being when consuming chlorella. When you realize that chlorella contains carotenoids, magnesium, and the super detoxifier chlorophyll-the health benefits of which have been well documented-we begin to understand chlorella's healing power. Americans are chronically low in magnesium and in great need of detoxifying. Chlorella may be the perfect antidote to our refined foods, nutrient-poor diets and toxic environment.

Chlorophyll is a remarkably protective and cleansing compound. It can inhibit cancer in all human organs. Chlorophyll is a vital part of all detoxification and health-building programs. The National Cancer Institute has begun to take notice of its ability to prevent cancer.

Detoxifying is essential for optimal health. When toxins are in our liver, brain, or other tissues and organs of the body, we age faster and have less health and vitality. Getting rid of toxins with powerful cleansers like chlorella helps us live longer, for toxins are a potent source of the free radicals which age us and cause disease. Chlorella appears particularly helpful at eliminating toxic metals like cadmium and uranium from the body.

Chlorella contains a range of carotenoids that is superior merely to taking a supplement of synthetic beta carotene. When you take a supplement that contains beta carotene, and it does not specify that it is derived from algae such as chlorella or d. salina, then you are only getting some of the benefits of carotenoids. There are many carotenoids- well over 600-and using chlorella as your source of carotenoids gives you much more benefit. While beta carotene has protective power, chlorella has much more. A recent study from China showed that when people with precancerous cells in their stomach were given synthetic beta carotene, there was no benefit. Yet when they were given natural carotenoids like those in chlorella, the precancerous cells turned back to normal. Chlorella has also been found to have powerful anti-cancer activity in animal studies when used orally.

Carotenoids protect against heart disease. Cholesterol cannot clog arteries until it oxidizes, and many studies have shown carotenoids can prevent this dangerous reaction from occurring. Although vitamin C appears to be the first line of defense in protecting cholesterol from going bad, carotenoids are also very important. A study of 333 patients showed that taking a carotenoid supplement reduced major cardiovascular events by half.

Chlorella is also a rich source of the remarkable mineral magnesium. Magnesium performs no less than 300 different tasks in the body. It is essential for heart function, immune function, blood pressure regulation, blood sugar balance, stroke prevention, and for both muscle strength and muscle relaxation. It is critical for energy production. It promotes mental health, relieves PMS, and reduces asthma attacks. No cell in the body can function without this mineral.

Chlorella is also an immune booster. It contains a compound known as chlorellan that stimulates the body to make more interferon. Chlorella helps protector cells, called macrophages, function more effectively.

Chlorella can help heal the GI tract. Ulcers, colitis, Crohn's disease and diverticulosis all seem to do better when chlorella is part of the diet. Animal studies have shown that chlorella is effective at healing ulcers. Chlorella has also been found to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria which are essential for intestinal health.

Benefits / uses
Magnesium is an important element for the proper functioning of the heart. Chlorella helps the body in utilizing its stock of magnesium for the well being of the heart while it prevents anemia by uplifting the production of red blood cells by the way of body stimulation.

People who usually find trouble with their digestive system and do not like their body odor can find relief from it by including this high chlorophyll product in their diet. It eliminates constipation and thus the foul smelling stool.

Interferon level in the body can be raised by regular use of chlorella. The increased level of interferon is helpful in fighting cancer, which is a deadly disease.

The normal range of pH level of body is disturbed by eating processed or junk food. Chlorella helps in bringing down the pH level under normal range that is between 7.2 and 7.4. Any disturbance in the Ph level leads to diseases.

People after the age of 40, mostly suffer from blood pressure and low sugar level. Proper flow of blood to the heart and other vital organs of the body is very important for the normal functioning of the body. Chlorella normalizes blood sugar level as well as blood pressure.

Chlorella contains mainly protein and vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin B and vitamin C. The presence of minerals like zinc and iron further enhances the body functioning and resistance to diseases. Arthritis and degenerative diseases can be treated with it.

Best Form For Human Consumption
Chlorella is available in tablets, liquid extracts, and as a powder

2 to 3 grams per day, though higher doses may be suggested for "detoxification." (A teaspoon of dried chlorella is about 3 grams.)

Possible Side effects / Precautions / Possible Interactions:

Chlorella appears to be safe in those who are not allergic. If hives or a rash develops, stop taking chlorella.
Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.

Research studies / References
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