
Objective Nutrients Thiamax Vitamin B1 100mg, 60 Capsules

SKU/UPC : 5060763810006

Product Code : OBN-81000

Package Details : 60 Count

Serving Size : 1

Serving per Container : This bottle will last for 60 Days

Price(र) : 5000.00

Ships in 2 weeks

Quantity :

Thiamax contains a highly-bioavailable derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1) called TTFD - thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide. This form has been widely researched in Japan for its therapeutic potential in addressing thiamine insufficiency.

Unlike other forms of thiamine supplementation, TTFD’s molecular structure allows it to pass through intestinal and cellular membranes without the requirement for a transport system. Once inside the cell, it can be activated and used as a cofactor in important biochemical processes.

The team here at Objective Nutrients believe that everyone should have access to clean nutritional supplements without the unnecessary addition of fillers, additives, or preservatives. We acknowledge that many people are sensitive to these additive chemicals, and so are extremely limited in what supplements they can tolerate.


  • Take one capsule per day with or without food.
  • Avoid coffee/tea consumption either one hour before or two hours after taking thiamax.
  • Avoid taking this product in the afternoon/evening, as it may interfere with sleep.
  • Should be taken alongside 200-400mg of magnesium & a high quality B-complex

For first time users who consider themselves sensitive to supplements:

  • Start with half or quarter of a capsule per day by emptying half of the capsule contents into a small glass of water.
  • Increase the dose every three or four days until you reach one full capsule.